Building & Basement – Kai Tak – Oriental Sheet Piling

About The Project

The project is designated for commercial purposes as the government expedite transformation of Kai Tak into Hong Kong’s next central business district. A public transport interchange and an underground shopping street will also be constructed by the developer. The project held at Kai Tak, Kowloon, Hong Kong. More than 30% of steel sheet piles already been driven and is getting smooth and faster after the learning path of AZ piling. The piling work expected to be completed by end of October.

Steel Sheet Pile Supplier

This is an exclusive project for Oriental Sheet Piling Hong Kong and AZ46 hot rolled steel sheet pile in S355GP was selected to apply in this project.


AZ46 was selected as original specification during tender stage. It is because of the large width of steel sheet pile, resulting in good installation performance and good in corrosion resistance, the steel thickest at the critical corrosion points. In addition, consultant Arup reckons AZ46 is very suitable for this project due to their past favorable experience with AZ steel sheet pile for SJM Macau. AZ46 steel sheet pile was used to build the retaining wall about 40m height.
QA/QC by the Contractor
On site installation AZ46


AZ46 was selected as original specification during tender stage. It is because of the large width of steel sheet pile, resulting in good installation performance and good in corrosion resistance, the steel thickest at the critical corrosion points. In addition, consultant Arup reckons AZ46 is very suitable for this project due to their past favorable experience with AZ steel sheet pile for SJM Macau. AZ46 steel sheet pile was used to build the retaining wall about 40m height.
QA/QC by the Contractor
On site installation AZ46

Installation Information


To driving AZ46 steel sheet pile length more than 39m, Hydraulic Hammer was selected for pile installation because it is the fastest and effective method of pile installation in order to reach such depth. A debar was weld between the 2 webs (as shown below) to stabilize the width for better splicing and smoother installation.


Infill sheet crimping was used for vertical splicing. The top part of the steel sheet pile is aligned and crimped, while the toe needs to be trimmed and is flexible to be threaded into the already driven neighboring piles.
Hydraulic Hammer
A debar was weld between the 2 webs


To driving AZ46 steel sheet pile length more than 39m, Hydraulic Hammer was selected for pile installation because it is the fastest and effective method of pile installation in order to reach such depth. A debar was weld between the 2 webs (as shown below) to stabilize the width for better splicing and smoother installation.
Hydraulic Hammer


Infill sheet crimping was used for vertical splicing. The top part of the steel sheet pile is aligned and crimped, while the toe needs to be trimmed and is flexible to be threaded into the already driven neighboring piles.
A debar was weld between the 2 webs

Kai Tak Area | Hong Kong

Owner Rich Union Development Limited (Nan Fung Development Limited)
Construction Contractor Gammon Construction Limited
Consultant Arup
Address Kai Tak, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Sheet Piles AZ46
Total Tones 1431 Mton

Kai Tak Area | Hong Kong

Owner Rich Union Development Limited (Nan Fung Development Limited)
Construction Contractor Gammon Construction Limited
Consultant Arup
Address Kai Tak, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Sheet Piles AZ46
Total Tones 1431 Mton
3D Experience
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