Power Plant Construction & Excavation – Oriental Sheet Piling

About The Project

Steel sheet piles are particularly effective for power plant projects because of the easy-to-handle effective retaining wall system: transportation and installation is highly convenient and the sheet piles can be reused for various types of excavation works within the power plant area itself.

Technical Support

OSP’s team of technical experts are equipped to be able to offer efficient and effective technical support for the construction of power plants from the ground up.


Step-by-step process for sheet pile retaining wall construction in power plants

Power plants normally require retaining walls built to expedite excavation works. Sheet piles are critical in this process which undergoes several different stages:
Driving Sheet Piles
Excavation continued upon
completion of 1st layer strutting
Erection of Permanent
Structures in progress
Excavation continued upon
completion of 2nd layer strutting

Temporary strutting system installed in soft soil conditions

Power plant projects normally occur in swampy areas with soft ground conditions, where transportation and installation poses as a difficulty for other alternative foundation steel solutions. This issue of limited access can either be circumvented through adjacent jetty access; or ameliorated through ground improvement works such as prefabricated vertical drain installations which are carried out to facilitate soil consolidation, improving the soil properties overall.

A sheet pile retaining wall is useful in various different areas within a power plant and provides various benefits, all of which installation processes pose different requirements. Without the proper consideration and effective experience, installation is unlikely to be effective. OSP has however proven themselves time and time again as the go-to supplier when it comes to technically demanding installations.

Specifically, there are many areas where sheet pile can be utilised:

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